Biographical Information:


-Born in Buenos Aires, Argentina on August 24, 1899

-Died of liver cancer in Geneva, Switzerland June 14, 1986—He was buried in Plainpalais

 Where he lived;

-Jorge Borges traveled to many places in his life including Spain, Uruguay and Geneva, though he mainly lived in Buenos Aires


-Jorge Luis Borges was home schooled by his parents and grandparents from 1899-1914.
-Then from 1914-1919 his family moved to Geneva where he attended high school and later went to Calvin college where he earned a degree by 1919.


-Jorge Luis Borges enjoyed listening to American jazz music and of course he enjoyed writing which helped his career later when he started writing multiple series' of short stories.


- Jorge's full name is Jorge Francisco Isidoro Luis Borges Acevedo, but he never went by his full name.

-Jorge had a younger sister by two years name Noah, she was also his only real childhood friend. When they were younger they always acted scenes from books and as more hobbies he and his sister would roam the labyrinthine library and the garden.

- Son of Jorge Guillermo Borges, his father (a lawyer, teacher, and writer) and Leonor Acevedo Suarez, his mother(a translator)

- He married two times in his life, his first marriage to Elsa Astete Millan, September 21, 1967 (divorced, 1970) and his second marriange to
Maria Kodama, April 26, 1986



-One of his many contributions was the Borgesian style, critics were forced to accept the concept, because so many of his brilliant works capture the magical world, which is exactly what Borgesian is.

-He also brought in realism but adding it with twists and Borges was always "re-inventing" styles.

-He blended the traditional boundaries between fact and fiction, his works would leave a vague feeling of surrealistic authenticity; and late on in time few Latin American "magical realists" would say Borges was their inspiration.

-His works were always acclaimed to be 20th century classic literature, not only that but he introduced Ultraism, a literary movement he introduced to South America.


-Borges inspired many young writers especially in the United States as Bell-Villada said "His impact reawakened for the possibilities of far fetched fancy, of formal exploration of parody, intellectuality and wit."

-His influence has also been extensive, most knowingly for the so-called "magic realism" and because of that he inspired many South American writers like Gabriel García Márquez, and he also influenced American Literature with "metafiction" which is questioning the nature of representation.

-He also influenced the use of reality and perceptions of people in poetry. He did this by writing complex literature written with many perspectives.

Why we study him?;

We study Jorge Luis Borges because he was able to show us another dimension or realm as you can say on this earth, his work is known as magic realism. When you read Borges works or poems he takes you so far from where once can imagine, on this earth it takes awhile to get back you have to sometimes just sit there and think about what's being conveyed. Even though Borges said he tries not to put meaning into his works, it seems to always be found and that's part of the reason why we study him; he shows us a different, universe, he reawakens new styles and reinvents them too. Jorge Luis Borges experienced a lot through his lifetime like his increasing blindness, but still he had the visionary and passion to take us so far through mere lines of words.


-Buenos Aires Municipal Literary Prize, 1928
-T.S. Eliot Award for Creative Writing, Ingersoll Foundation and Rockford Institute, 1983
-Legion d'Honneur (France)
-Gran Premio de honor, Argentine Writers Society, 1945
-Gold medal of Menendez Pelayo University (Spain)
-Alfonso Reyes Prize (Mexico), 1973


-Susana Soca
-Remorse for any Death
-That One


"Democracy is an abuse of statistics.”
“Nothing is built on stone; all is built on sand, but we must build as if the sand were stone.

“Time is the substance from which I am made. Time is a river which carries me along, but I am the river; it is a tiger that devours me, but I am the tiger; it is a fire that consumes me, but I am the fire.

“Writing is nothing more than a guided dream.”


1.What is your favorite part of writing? What influences you the most?
2.Do you prefer writing poetry or writing literature in the form of short stories or books?
3.What is your thought process behind creating such complex themes in your writing, and why do you create such complex themes?
4.Where are you inspired to get your ideas from?
5.What does Borgesian style mean to you?